In the age of ethical controversy, it is easy for us to become cynical. I could almost say lose faith in each other. We all need heroes and people to inspire us. There was a time when our ethical standards were formed at home within our family dynamics. These days more people are working and we have allowed the convenience of easy access to shape and influence our ethical standards.
Running a country is a job, and as all of us would want our boss to be ethical at work, we would also hope the ethics continue into their privet life. What presidential candidate has the ethical behavior we would want as our leader!
Newt Gingrich’s past is littered with one bad decision after another. Gingrich was the firstspeaker to ever be penalized for ethical violations with 84 charges against him. His personal life is no better with cheating on both of his former wives. His character is a reflection of one who would do anything to get ahead. This ethical disregard is not fitting for a future President.
Mitt Romney claims to oppose abortion but did not vote to overturn the existing abortion laws and on occasion supports gay rights but won’t promote gay marriage. Romney can’t claim one belief and do another. Not saying the truth is just another form of lying.
Let’s take a look at Ron Paul’s ethical responsibility. If a government official is going to support a paper with their name on it, then they are responsible for its content. He published a group of news letters to his true believers called “The Ron Paul Political Report”. Ron Paul’s newsletter is racially insensitive almost to the point of racist. When he is asked about the incident, he mostly just gets angry, won’t talk about it and storms off. Having a publication is a great way to gather support, as long as nothing is written that can come back at them.
We have been calling ourselves Americans for hundreds of years now. Unless we hold our political officials ethically responsible, we might not make another hundred years. We can make a difference by not allowing our minds to be filled with falsities. Recognize ethics regarding political and social concerns in our leaders.