Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Into the work of Paul

          Mitt Romney's fortune is his own I will not argue that, however it being a nonfactor in this coming election is something that I will argue. He has money, and always has, in a time when most Americans cannot say they do. A few short months ago we had sit ins across the US fighting for a change in the 1% so why would we want one of them to be our nations leader? Yes whoever is president has money and power, but there is a mindset and a lifestyle to being a 1% and Romney is it.

          One of the things Paul says about his wealth is "perhaps it’s entirely irrelevant". Yet I fail to see how his wealth could be irrelevant. If he wins presidency yes it doesn't matter, or maybe looking at him as a person it doesn't but in the election itself it will because off all those protests and all of the change people are wanting for our society and government. As it stands even people who aren't very political known of the sit down protests and they know that Romney is a fat cat. Putting two and two together is not very hard even if you are not very good at math, and in this scenario, not saying he is or isn't, Romney looks like a giant government fueled two.

Monday, April 16, 2012

let me get back to you on a women's pay

          As America enter election time everything political gets magnified!  Understanding things get elaborated on and blown out of proportion is part of the political game.  With that knowledge, Presidential candidates should be on their A game. Quick and confident, with an intelligent response is what we are hoping for.

          I understand that, Ann Romney, wife of Mitt Romney the presumptive presidential nominee, got to stayed home and raise their five sons. He might be uneducated to how things are in the work place for women. Maybe, Mrs. Romney has never worked a day in her life. (I think if you are lucky enough to be a stay at home mom that’s great.) But, we are way past the 50’s, and the truth is it takes two incomes to make the American dream possible. Plus, a lot more woman are single raising children. If more support was given to the 2009 law that grants women more chances to sue over pay discrimination, possibly less would be on welfare. 

          As the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, making a direct appeal to women is something Mitt Romney better get good at. He is around 20% below Obama with women voters. Romney can’t afford “missteps” and “I’ll get back to you” in his campaign. When a candidate is running for office, they should try and remember the very first bill Obama signed into law as President. Not knowing what your position is on a pending law--is a sure way to look really stupid!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Invasion of Antony

          I agree with Antony’s Rivas blog on a few parts. I too see the need for detailed search, and how far is to far too go to maintain safety? The Florence vs. Board of Chosen Freeholders case is the topic of his Blog. The issue of strip searches in prisons violating the Fourth Amendment was judged by the Supreme Court. We have laws that protect us for reasons. Race, religion and sex are some of the biggest reasons. 
          As Anthony stated in his blog, Albert Florence is an African American male. He was at a much higher risk of harassment than say a young white female. Where were his rights? Was he given the option to call for a lawyer? The blog stated that ‘Records show that he was then subject ted to a full body cavity naked search and imprisoned for six days.’ A mistake has been made by the Burlington County Detention center and Newark correctional facility, but the Supreme Court is allowing this. In this day and age of computers all information is almost instantaneously. 
          With the use of computers come mistakes.  Either by the computer or by the computers operator, a mistake was made. Unfortunately Albert Florence is the one that paid the price. I agree with Antony that Albert Florence’s Fourth Amendment rights were violated and a pat down would have been sufficient.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Who can we look up to

In the age of ethical controversy, it is easy for us to become cynical. I could almost say lose faith in each other. We all need heroes and people to inspire us. There was a time when our ethical standards were formed at home within our family dynamics. These days more people are working and we have allowed the convenience of easy access to shape and influence our ethical standards.

 Running a country is a job, and as all of us would want our boss to be ethical at work, we would also hope the ethics continue into their privet life. What presidential candidate has the ethical behavior we would want as our leader!

Newt Gingrich’s past is littered with one bad decision after another.  Gingrich was the firstspeaker to ever be penalized for ethical violations with 84 charges against him. His personal life is no better with cheating on both of his former wives. His character is a reflection of one who would do anything to get ahead. This ethical disregard is not fitting for a future President. 

Mitt Romney claims to oppose abortion but did not vote to overturn the existing abortion laws and on occasion supports gay rights but won’t promote gay marriage. Romney can’t claim one belief and do another. Not saying the truth is just another form of lying. 

Let’s take a look at Ron Paul’s ethical responsibility. If a government official is going to support a paper with their name on it, then they are responsible for its content.  He published a group of news letters to his true believers called “The Ron Paul Political Report”.  Ron Paul’s newsletter is racially insensitive almost to the point of racist. When he is asked about the incident, he mostly just gets angry, won’t talk about it and storms off.  Having a publication is a great way to gather support, as long as nothing is written that can come back at them. 

We have been calling ourselves Americans for hundreds of years now. Unless we hold our political officials ethically responsible, we might not make another hundred years. We can make a difference by not allowing our minds to be filled with falsities. Recognize ethics regarding political and social concerns in our leaders.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Healthcare is Not Full of Gas

 Stating rising gas prices is related in any way with the healthcare controversy is ridiculous.  Republicans are trying to tie the increase of gas prices with Obamas policies on health-care. Gas prices were outrageous before Obama took office.  During an election-year these issues that have made President Obama a much bigger target. 

Living in Texas and observing oil being drilled here in our own back yards confuses me on how the rise of gas prices and healthcare are hand and hand.  I would believe the oil companies are wasting money.  Over paying for land, products, and services would be a big factor for high gas prices. Being paid $150.00 to $300.00 a day to be a key holder (this is a person who watches a gate where oil is being drilled and checks people in.) would be another big indicator of why our gas prices are so high.

 As Obama tours around parts of the United States to talk about energy and how we need to expand our resources, he also is still encouraging oil production in the States.  At this time Obama is concentrating on energy and oil talks, but he has allies promoting his health-care bill. Several of Obamas allies are making local appearances and talking to multitude of media.

Whether it be gas prices, the health care reform, or any other issue that one can bring against Obama at the end of the day it still is an American issue that will persist into the next presidency no matter who is elected or in this case re-elected. Gas prices were going up before Obama and they will continue to go up without him unless action is taken. Basing all of Americas problems on the fact that Obama is our president is extremely ridiculous.

At the end of the day the reality is that the health care bill makes Obama politically vulnerable for almost anything, not just high gas prices, and it should not be used against him as a one use hurts all.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Diplomatic Blah

  The Fact Checker in the Washington post has stated something I thoroughly believe in. Glenn Kessler posted “If Romney becomes president; he will discover that this diplomatic stuff is much harderthan it looks.” This statement was based on Romney’s belief that Obama has failed with military action against Iran and that by next year they will have nuclear weapons. 

      I’m not saying that Obama has failed or that Romney is right! Being president is no cake walk. All these Republican Candidates state how Obama has failed, he’s wrong, blah blah blah.  Same Blah.  Just four years later and different party. If being president was easy where would the United States be? 

      Obama can’t make many decisions without support. Not just the support of the House, Senate, or the American people, but also we have other countries and the U.N. to think of. Obama has done a good job of keeping good relations with our allies. Not every president has good communications skills. Kessler gives a good example of this with presenting the fact that when Obama wanted to talk to China and Russia to take action on a concept; he had to negotiate with European allies.

      Reading the article by Kessler, it is evident that he is trying to convey his opinion to Romney supporters and non-Obama fans. Repeatedly he brings up Romney’s dislike of Obama and Obamas choices. 

      Glenn Kessler has over 30 published articles within just the last few years. Not just with the Washington post but also with The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and many more. On top of his publications he has also written a book in 2007: The Confidant: Condoleezza Rice and the Creation of the Bush Legacy. If writing wasn’t enough Kessler belongs to many organizations.

Being president is not a job for just anyone. Nice to see a reporter that believes the same.

Monday, February 27, 2012

          Affordable higher education seems to be a thing of the past. I made a joke a few years ago when I was married that wasn't to far from the truth. I said "We should get divorced so that I can afford to go back to school". I was joking!!! Though, this statement of not being able to afford school holds true for many Americans. College education cost more now than ever before. Tuition is up over 8% this year alone,including room and board. When my daughter is of college age, tuition will cost 3x the amount it does now.  

          College is getting to the point that only the rich will graduate with minimal debt. An article from CNN clearly outlines these rising statistics. School loans are so huge that it takes years to pay them back. And unless you are a minority, single parent (preferably a female), or have some sort of disability, financial aid will not cover cost or be available. With the dilemma of tuition going up and lack of financial aid, more Americans find themselves working and going to school. College is no longer a students full time job.

          At one time America was at the for front of education. Our lead in education produced an educated workforce, that led the world. The American Dream was affordable and attainable. Now we struggle to pay for our education. Let alone our children's. Is the struggle worth the education?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Changes With Time

          Every election its the same; money, jobs, religion, health care, and more money. One issue that hits home with me is abortion. My opinion on a person is not swayed one way or another if they are for or against abortion. Like most other controversial issues I believe it is a choice for the individual to make. A choice that is very important that no one should take lightly.

          The second amendment, the right to bear arms, is a right and responsibility that we as Americans have. It allows us to defend ourselves, our property, and our country. With the second amendment we are provided the choice to protect what is right for ourselves. What is the difference then with abortion? We are choosing what is right for us and our lives. People who argue that its taking a life, well, isn't that what guns do too?

          Looking through the many government and political figureheads we see them take one side of an argument and support it in order to reach an office. Once there it seems to become more of a power game joining whatever side can govern the most powerful allies. Mitt Romney gives us the perfect example of this issue. In 2002 he tolerated the issue of abortion where as current events Mitt Romney is pro-life to the core as if he invented the issue.

          Joe Biden can be thought of in the same light. In 2003 Biden rated 36 percent mixed voting on abortion. He then changed his stance in December 2006 to a pro-choice stance. Both people are entitled to their own opinions as is their right as Americans, I however think that it is misleading for someone to be elected to a position on false grounding. In a world where opinions can change at the drop of  hat, I do not believe that choices should be taken away from us as Americans by someone who might feel the complete opposite 4 or 5 years down the road.