Every election its the same; money, jobs, religion, health care, and more money. One issue that hits home with me is abortion. My opinion on a person is not swayed one way or another if they are for or against abortion. Like most other controversial issues I believe it is a choice for the individual to make. A choice that is very important that no one should take lightly.
The second amendment, the right to bear arms, is a right and responsibility that we as Americans have. It allows us to defend ourselves, our property, and our country. With the second amendment we are provided the choice to protect what is right for ourselves. What is the difference then with abortion? We are choosing what is right for us and our lives. People who argue that its taking a life, well, isn't that what guns do too?
Looking through the many government and political figureheads we see them take one side of an argument and support it in order to reach an office. Once there it seems to become more of a power game joining whatever side can govern the most powerful allies. Mitt Romney gives us the perfect example of this issue. In 2002 he tolerated the issue of abortion where as current events Mitt Romney is pro-life to the core as if he invented the issue.
Joe Biden can be thought of in the same light. In 2003 Biden rated 36 percent mixed voting on abortion. He then changed his stance in December 2006 to a pro-choice stance. Both people are entitled to their own opinions as is their right as Americans, I however think that it is misleading for someone to be elected to a position on false grounding. In a world where opinions can change at the drop of hat, I do not believe that choices should be taken away from us as Americans by someone who might feel the complete opposite 4 or 5 years down the road.
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